Justin Reid

Statewide Recovery Advisor

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Brittany Reichman

Statewide Business Advisor

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Leslie Clark

Executive Advisor

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Dr. Larry McCullough

Executive Advisor

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Advisory Board:

Betty Bartos - LePage Bakeries, HR Business Partner
Dan Belyea - Community College System of ME, Chief Workforce Development Officer
Michael Bourque - MEMIC, President and CEO
Jeff Buckwalter - The Holy Donut, CEO
Richard Cantz - Goodwill of Northern New England, Former President and CEO
David Delaney - Department of Labor, QUEST Program Manager
Jennifer Edwards - City of Auburn, Public Health Manager
Abby Frutchey - Community Caring Collaborative, Substance Use Response Coordinator
Quincy Hentzel - Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, President and CEO

Samantha Lewandowski - NH Recovery Friendly Workplace, Program Director
Colby Marvin-Bracy - Hello Humans Consulting, Owner
Bradford C. Paige - Kennebunk Savings, President and CEO
Catherine Ryder - Tri-County Mental Health, CEO
Darcy Shargo - Maine Primary Care, COO
Gordon Smith - State of Maine, Director of Opioid Response
Bruce Smith - Drummond Woodsum, Attorney, Of Counsel (ret.)
Libby Stone-Sterling - Department of Labor, Director of Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Margo Walsh - MaineWorks, Founder